Platypus baby
Platypus baby


Platypus are endemic to rivers in eastern Australia and are monotremes, meaning that unlike most mammals, they do not give live birth. The venomous barbs can deliver a poison that is thought to be able to kill small animals and produce severe swelling and excruciating pain in humans. The male platypus uses the venom against predators or when competing against other males when seeking mates. Male platypus essentially have a secret weapon: spurs on the back of their hind legs connecting to a gland (known as a crural gland) that secretes venom. Notably, they are one of the few mammals that are venomous and are also illegal as pets. Can you have a platypus as a pet?Īlthough many may find them cute due to their flat bills and webbed feet reminiscent of ducks, paddle-like tails like beavers, and their glossy, furry bodies as seen in otters, you should not pursue to have a platypus as a pet as they can actually be extremely dangerous animals. In fact, according to the BBC, when a platypus was first brought from Australia to Britain, most who viewed the animal didn’t believe that it was real but that it was actually two animals sewn together. Season 1 MotoBot | TAPOPS | Space Pirates | Cattus | BellBot | Captain Separo | HookaBot | Jokertu | CardBot | Platypus Monster | Platypus Baby | Waibi | BoBoiBoy Leaf | Tarung | FireBot | Sai | Shielda | BalloonBot | CementBot | MelonBot | GigiBot | InviBot | Panto | Jugglenaut | Bad Dudes | TargetBot | NoseBot | TrophyBot | LoopBot | Mrs.Platypus, which are endemic to eastern Australia, are semiaquatic, egg-laying mammals that are intriguing and highly unusual animals with a truly unique appearance.


Movie characters: Bora Ra | Cici Ko/Koko Ci | Gaga Naz | Kiki Ta | Klamkabot | Yoyo Oo | Tengkotak | Jero-Jero | BoBoiBoy Blaze | BoBoiBoy Ice | BoBoiBoy Solar | BoBoiBoy Thorn | Power Spheres Jambul | Robolabolabolabolabot Super King | SampahBot | Sasha | Shield Monster | Sleep Monster | Tauke | Teacher Timi | The Emperor | Wahid | Wak Baga Ga | Bagi Gi | Bagu Gu | Tom | BoBoiBoy's Father | Captain Kaizo | Lahap | BoBoiBoy's Gang | Team Kaizo Kumar | Azroy | Bago Go's Son | Cocoa Jumbo | BoBoiBot | Canteen Lady | Detective Conon | Five Scammer Commanders | Ibu Bu | Jaja Bear | Mama Zila | Megabot Scambot | Mr.Alebi | Old Lady | Onion Monster | Cowboy Pete Monday | Ejo Jo | Computer (Ejo Jo's) | PETAI | Postman | Ravi J. Original characters: BoBoiBoy | Yaya Yah | Ying | Gopal Kumar | Fang | Ochobot | Tok Aba | Adu Du | Probe | Computer | Papa Zola | Bago Go | BoBoiBoy Lightning | BoBoiBoy Wind | BoBoiBoy Earth | BoBoiBoy Fire | BoBoiBoy Water | BoBoiBoy Thunderstorm | BoBoiBoy Cyclone | BoBoiBoy Quake | Mukalakus | Mr.


The Series | What Yaya Says | BoBoiBoy: The Movie | BoBoiBoy Galaxy | Papa Pipi | BoBoiBoy Galaxy Special | BoBoiBoy Movie 2 | Galaxy Season 2 (Comics) | BoBoiBoy Movie 3 | BoBoiBoy Extended

  • Platypus Baby shares the same voice actors with Ying, Computer ( Season 3 ) and Aunty Yang.
  • Due to Gopal's courage, the Gurunda Giant forgave him and bit Gopal's hand as a warning sign before he left them. They were shocked and Gopal allowed himself to jump into the gorge and get the son of the Giant Gurunda and landed on the ground with the help of Yaya. Arriving at the end of the gorge, Gopal was still struggling with the Baby who still did not release his bite and finally accidentally threw him into the gorge. Gopal then fled with the Platypus's son while his friends tried to stop the Platypus Monster from attacking and had to fight with him. The Mother became angry and chased after Gopal for his actions.

    platypus baby

    Gopal screamed in pain until he unconsciously hit the monster so that he let go of his bite. The Baby managed to hug Gopal and then bit Gopal's hand. Seeing Gopal, Platypus's son called him mama and aroused Platypus Monster's anger. Yaya then tells Gopal to return the egg to its owner before the egg starts to hatch and the child Platypus is so cute that it attracts the attention of Yaya and Ying, especially his mother, Platypus Monster. Shortly afterwards, Yaya and Ying arrived to calm the situation. Then BoBoiBoy rescues Gopal and escapes to hide with the egg.

    platypus baby

    Gopal who misunderstood the egg as Power Sphera made the Platypus Monster, the owner of the egg feel angry and chase after Gopal to get his egg back. The Platypus Baby first appeared in Planet Gurunda Exploration as a spherical egg located in the middle of the desert.

    Platypus baby